Extended Fill Measures
Extended Fills for PQA-PDC-STA (Displayed as: Extended Fills for Cholesterol PDC )
The percentage of eligible patients whose most recent dispense of a target medication in the measurement period was for an extended days’ supply (≥ 84 days’ supply)
Extended Fills for PQA-PDC-DR (Displayed as: Extended Fills for Diabetes PDC )
The percentage of eligible patients whose most recent dispense of a target medication in the measurement period was for an extended days’ supply (≥ 84 days’ supply)
Extended Fills for PQA-PDC-RASA (Displayed as: Extended Fills for RASA PDC )
The percentage of eligible patients whose most recent dispense of a target medication in the measurement period was for an extended days’ supply (≥ 84 days’ supply)